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Your innovative IT execution crew! Hire Us
Over 8 years we help companies reach their digital transformation goals. YITEC is a values-driven technology firm dedicated.
643 Pham Van Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam
+84 24 7109 9234
ScamAdviser helps over 3 million consumers every month to discover if a website is legitimate or a possible scam. ScamAdviser helps consumers make their online shopping decisions by rating websites with the ScamAdviser Trust Score. The algorithm of ScamAdviser utilizes more than 40 data sources. The IP address of the webserver, the availability of contact details on the website, the age of the URL, ratings on review sites, and much much more.
Our goal is to improve spam detection and assist ScamAdviser in developing a new system for gathering and categorizing spam email data as well as developing an AI model that will automatically train based on user input and trust rules.
“They have excellent knowledge around AI.”
– Jorij (ScamAdivser, CEO)
YITEC delivered the ScamAdviser Email CMS system with a full-stack technology solution. We utilize React for the front-end and FastAPI with MongoDB for the backend. The database is powered by replication technology to receive millions of records every day submitted by users.
Additionally, our AI experts constructed autonomous AI training techniques to assist our spam email detection model in becoming smarter every day.
All new email addresses reported by users will be added to the database automatically. Scam Adviser personnel simply need to label the email using our intuitive user interface and then sit back and watch the magic happen.