
Virtual Ring Try-on Source Code with Commercial Use Rights (v1.0)

950 $



Virtual Ring Try-On

An application of AR technology in trying clothes and jewellery in Vietnam. This project uses Mediapipe v0.6.9 in hand recognition and Unity’s AR Foundation with Google ARCore Extension in model rendering.

Project led by Dinh Quang Minh – head of YITEC AR Lab

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


This project requires Unity v2020.2.1.f1 or later with the following packages installed:

  • AR Foundation 4.1.0-preview.10 or later.
  • ARCore XR Plugin 4.1.0-preview.10 or later.
  • Android Logcat for debugging.


  1. Install packages and enable ARCore.
  2. Enable unsafe code, uncheck Mutil Thread Rendering, remove Vulkan Graphic setting, set Scripting Backend to IL2CPP and enable Target Architectures ARM64 (Edit > Project Settings > Player).
  3. Download folder Plugins, unzip and put it in Assets/ folder.
  4. Open Scene TryOn and switch to Android platform.

Mediapipe’s integration

Currently, Mediapipe does not support Unity and therefore, it is necessary to call mediapipe through Android plugin .aar files to make it works (Assets > Plugins > Android).


Enable HandTracking object to start tracking.


This class is used to integrate mediapipe in the Android plugin.

After received image frome camera, use addFrameTexture function to convert texture and send it to mediapipe.

public unsafe void addFrameTexture(Texture2D m_Texture) {
    byte[] frameImage = ImageConversion.EncodeToJPG(m_Texture);

    sbyte[] frameImageSigned = Array.ConvertAll(frameImage, b => unchecked((sbyte)b));

    singleHandMain.Call("setFrame", frameImageSigned);

Get data from getHandLandmarksData or getHandRectData.

public float[] getHandLandmarksData() {
    return singleHandMain.Call<float[]>("getLandmarks");

public float[] getHandRectData() {
    return singleHandMain.Call<float[]>("getPalmRect");


Access the device camera image on the CPU by using cameraManager.TryAcquireLatestCpuImage.

Get converted texture at the end of function convertCPUImage and send it to HandProcessor.



This class is used to get landmarks’ normalized positions from mediapipe raw data and convert them to Unity’s coordinates.

Z-index will be fixed at 0.5f and image depth will be recalculate based on the 2D distance between landmark 2 and landmark 17 to be more precise and less noise. The 3D model will be scaled later based on the new image depth.

public Vector3 ConvertPosition(float[] arr, float c, int index) {
    float x = Screen.width * ((arr[index * 3 + 1] - 0.5f * (1 - c)) / c) + 0.1f;
    float y = Screen.height * (arr[index * 3]);
    return cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(x, y, 0.5f));

Function ParseFrom is used to convert positions and calculate ring’s position in the current frame.

direction = this.upperJoint - this.lowerJoint;
ringPos = this.lowerJoint + 0.5f * direction;


Update model’s state based on calculated position and rotation.

void UpdateRingPos() {
    if (!LandmarkObj.activeInHierarchy) return;
    if (Vector3.Distance(LandmarkObj.transform.position, currentHand.GetRingPos()) > 0.01f) {
        LandmarkObj.transform.position = currentHand.GetRingPos();
    LandmarkObj.transform.Rotate( 0, 180, 0 );


  • Hand recognition.
  • Model rendering.
  • Light Estimation.

Current issues

  • Latency between actual ring position and model position.
  • Environmental and material processing.


Commercial Use License

Commercial Licensing

To use this source code for commercial purposes, you are required to obtain a valid commercial license from YITEC (Vietnam). This license grants you the right to use the code for profit-driven activities such as creating products, services, or applications to sell or generate revenue.

Licensing Process

  1. Contact YITEC: Please contact YITEC through our official channels to inquire about commercial licensing. You can reach us via our website or by emailing us at [email protected].
  2. License Agreement: Upon contacting us, we will provide you with a detailed license agreement outlining the terms and conditions. This agreement will specify the scope of use, duration, and any other relevant details.
  3. Payment: You will be required to make the necessary payment as specified in the license agreement.
  4. License Activation: Once payment is received and processed, we will activate your commercial license, granting you the rights to use the source code for commercial purposes.

Educational Use License

Educational Licensing

For educational institutions, students, and educators, we offer a special educational license that allows you to use this source code for educational purposes at a discounted price. This includes using it for classroom instruction, research, and projects related to your educational institution.

Licensing Process

  1. Contact YITEC: Educational institutions, students, and educators interested in obtaining an educational license should contact YITEC through our educational licensing page.
  2. Educational License Agreement: Upon contacting us, we will provide you with an educational license agreement tailored to your educational needs. This agreement will outline the terms and conditions specific to educational use, including the discounted pricing.
  3. Payment: You will be required to make the discounted payment as specified in the educational license agreement.
  4. License Activation: Once the educational license agreement is accepted and the discounted payment is received and processed, we will grant you access to the source code for educational purposes.

Open Source Usage

If you intend to use this source code for non-commercial, open-source, or personal projects, you are free to do so under the terms of the open-source license included with this repository.

Questions and Support

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding commercial or educational licensing, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and ensure a smooth and compliant experience.


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